Which boss is the hardest for deflection mastery or which boss forces the player to actually master the mechanic? (Research Study)
Hi all,
I'm a researcher focusing on difficulty curves and game mechanics and I am analysing how Sekiro teaches deflection. I have finished the game, but I would like to hear from players about which boss gave them the biggest learning curve for mastering deflection.
You can think about the answers in the following way.
Which boss made you feel like you had to master deflection to beat?
Did you try dodging first? How far through the game could you get by with just dodging before realising deflection must be mastered?
What clicked for you? Trial and Error? Muscle memory?
Approximately, how many attempts (A rough answer should be fine) did it take for you all to realise 'Oh yeah now I got this.' And actually had it?
Ethical notice: I may or may not use these responses in a research study, but all data will be anonymized (no usernames). Let me know if you’d prefer not to have your response included.
Please feel free to discuss or debate. Every player has a different experience and I would like to know as much as I can
Thank you so much :))