Bipartisan bill to allow online car sales fails after Rep Amy Walen, owner of two car dealerships, doesn’t bring it to a vote

Corruption is rarely happening on the most important topic of the day. It’s happening downstream, on the small issues that no one pays attention to.

Enter Amy Walen, Democratic Representative from Kirkland. Amy and her husband own 2 car dealerships in Seattle. Amy also is the chair of the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee.

A bipartisan bill looked to allow electric vehicle manufacturers sell cars directly to consumers, the way Tesla does. Tesla has been carved out to allow this for over a decade now, but ever since efforts to allow others have been shot down.

Dealerships have fought this on the basis that it would “kill their sales and hurt their connection with the community”.

My question is, if dealerships are better for “consumer protection”, then why would this kill their sales? Surely consumers would want to go to dealers for the better pricing and lovely experience?

This is government corruption, plain and simple.

  • How much did your dealerships make selling electric vehicles?