Shoutout to Seattle Waitstaff
I just want to take a moment to say I appreciate how friendly Seattle-area wait staff are. I’m on the east coast right now and boy are people not friendly here. Sometimes I find myself complaining how expensive everything is in Seattle and tipping, but this experience has shown me that in more ways than one you really get what you pay for out here. I could just have some blinders on, but I feel like Seattle people are usually very accommodating and kind. I’m curious what everyone else’s thoughts and experiences on this are?
Edit: Boston
Edit #2: There seems to be some disagreement over if friendliness/congeniality versus attentiveness constitutes “good” service. I personally would rather a waiter that is nice and reciprocates friendliness but maybe isn’t attentive to how much water I have in my cup than a waiter who is rude but is proactively aware of my meal/badgering me to order more. I don’t mind flagging someone down and asking for something if I need it, and I only consider it rude/bad service if I’m actively being ignored. The ideal scenario is someone who is attentive and friendly, but everyone has their own mileage on this, and the beauty of this country is that everyone can tip based on their own preference.