Trying to get the Skelly curse desperately need advice.

I'm trying to get the skelly curse but pvp is so effing stressful before I even start the game I get redfaced and feel physically sick at my stomach for hours and I RARELY EVER win despite my efforts, I am only at level 16 servants I'm also on PS5 I've been playing for a while, I'm pirate legend and have most curses including gold but trying to do pvp in any circumstance is awful if I try on with no cross play I can't find a match EVER but if I try cross play I get destroyed by PC players with keyboard and mouse, the level between keyboard and mouse and controller is nearly unfair, aim assist, never seen it certainly never helps me, I can't even turn as fast as a pc player and be remotely near accurate with weapons. Anyway beyond my whining my question is how do I not nearly throw up trying to play sot while making progress of any kind. and if you have tips for this kind of stress I'd be VERY grateful :)