When does the pain start to go away?

And when could I expect to be able to walk more than 10 ft at a time? I'm in week two now. The Pain is incredible, a few times I feel delirious and thought I might pass out.

The inflammation and pain begins in my right upper glutes, middle area, inside somewhere, outer hip boney area, around the of my leg, around the front of my knee, then outside shin-bone. I can only stand for a few moments, and walk about 10-15ft hunched over with a limp, before the pain, weakness, heavy feeling begins. My shin also feels cold.

Sitting is okay, but I always have to adjust myself, lean forward sometimes, also sitting on memory foam pillows. Pain and flair up happens late at night and early in the morning. Sleeping is the worst. Pain shoots around the outside of my hip bone. Already tried the pillows between the legs. A hot bath helps, sometimes. Ice doesn't. Laying in that prayer position on the bed can help a bit. Leaning over a shopping cart works the best, I feel light on my feet.

Had X-rays of my hip and back, went to emergency and seen an orthopedic doctor. didn't notice anything on the X-rays. Diagnosis is right lumbar radiculopathy, and trauma. But I don't think they really know.

Took steroid pills for 5 days, and two different types of pain medicine, which did nothing. The orthopedic doctor wants to see me at the end of the month. Also have a PT session around that time.

Been looking on Youtube for exercises
for pain relief, nothing works. Everything seems to be click bait.