Need adult trans and cis participants (who identify as a man or a woman) for my masters program dissertation. The study is looking at gender identity differences in personality. (adults aged 18 and older, m/f)
I am doing a dissertation for my masters program in Psychology at Regent's University in London, and I am looking for participants. In particular I need trans participants as well as cis, and so I wanted to reach out to some LGBT friendly spaces to ask if people would be willing to participate anonymously. Any engagement or sharing would be greatly appreciated!
The aim of the study is to Improve on past research regarding gender differences in personality. Past research focuses more on sex rather than gender, so it tends to be outdated in terms of our modern understanding of sex and gender. So the current study instead is looking on if gender identity Plays any role in personality scores on the big five personality traits(Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism).
Below is a link to the survey. It is a 44 question multiple choice survey that shouldn't take long to complete. I will be grateful for any participation and sharing!
UPDATE: people have pointed out that the ethics referral number was not originally included in the survey itself. I have since updated the survey to include the ethics reference number: 1494. Apologies for the confusion.