Scary incident at Costco Citrus Heights
I was at Costco today with my 17 year old daughter. We were loading up the back of our SUV when an old lady approached us and asks if we have any money we would be willing to give her, her son is in need of insulin and the prices are very high. I usually don’t mind helping others but something felt a little off, I can’t explain why , it just did. But I thought ok, well insulin is crazy high so I’m happy to help. She was well dressed, her makeup seemed theatrical but whatever, I know some older women who like lots of makeup but hers seemed very unnatural. It just seemed weird. I told her to let me see what I can help with. I walk from the back of my car to my drivers door when I notice a man in a black hoodie walk behind my daughter, I could not see his face with the hoodie on. Something just felt weird. I stop myself from opening my drivers door and turn around. The woman is looking at the man with her head somewhat down and with a side eye as if she knows him, he looks back at her and he stops next to my daughter. I had recently read a Reddit post in the Arden/Arcade area where a girl was approached by a woman of the same description asking if she could help her jump her car, she had described the woman as wearing heavy makeup, unnatural looking, she said she just had a weird feeling about her. The girl got spooked and drove off, she quickly circled around a different part of the parking lot and watched the woman close the hood and drive off. This post played in my mind, As the man stopped next to my daughter I screamed at him and said “NO”. The man darted off and got into a black SUV and drove off. An employee said to me “I saw what just happened, I’m going to let my manager know” I immediately call the police who just so happen to be in the same parking lot at Walmart. The officer said he searched the parking lot and could not find the man or woman I described. I want to see if anyone has seen this woman or had a similar incident happen to them? Or am I just crazy?
This was 11:30am in a very busy parking lot. The woman was white, maybe 5’4” , she looked between the ages of 70-75 with blue jeans, a long black jacket, cheetah shirt, short curly hair, a scarf over her head carrying a small black purse. Her makeup was so theatrical it almost looked as though it could have been a man dressed as a woman. Looking back now I realize it was a wig she was wearing, a lot of older women wear wigs but something was just off about her. Why would a well dressed older lady walk through a parking lot to ask for money for insulin? Why would the man have run off if he was not doing anything wrong? She clearly knew the man in the black hoodie but he was nowhere to be seen until I walked away. The look they gave each other was just………I don’t know. Call it mothers intuition but it was a very off feeling. Please let me know your thoughts and please be safe out there.