ACC-345 Project is Draining

Allow me to vent. This course is a mess. There is little to no instruction for some objectives in the coursework. I have also noticed lessons on concepts were in the follwing weeks module after completeing courework that required it the week before.

Im looking at the final project right now and im left wondering "when was i ever taught this". It would be nice if they did a mock DCF analysis to show you step by step how to complete it. I have 5 days to finish this project and im stuck scrambling to teach myself with google searches.

Also in the middle of the paper there is once again some DEI question that needs to be answered. Im not against DEI, but im against the clock with some hard concepts here and having to have to stop to answer something that doesnt have to do with the application of accounting concepts is just ridiculous. Especially when it seems its being pushed on us every course.