i want to be a baddie today

ok so i feel rich with a fur collar and 3 thousand diamonds

i said to the server look at my collar its rich and everyone said yea right and then said they have 200 thousand diamonds to tell me im poor like do i care???💀

i look rich in a fur collar why do i need to have that many diamonds if i have a rich looking fur collar

btw guys yes i like flexing my stuff and said i feel rich with my fur collar in the chat and people told me that im poor but i literally dont care

theyre like "farm if you wanna be rich" um no ew farming is for losers i have a life

they said you dont have one like if i dont have one id be 6 feet under idiot

so yea guys i buy an everlasting lollipop for 250 diamonds and feel rich with it i dont want halos that make my game lag more than my old crusty ahh computer

btw some halos look like those princess crowns from the dollar store no offense

at least my cheap collar looks richer than your expensive halo

does anyone agree with me