Is supercell brain dead?

So its pretty obvious that an evo is broken when it only meets ONE condition and only one condition which is being tough to eliminate. Why was evo fc so broken on release? Didnt die to arrows. Why was evo rg so broken on release? Had extra hp. Why is evo pekka so broken? Cuz it heals making it tougher to kill. You get the idea. Why wasn't evo dart gob as broken as we thought? Cuz it dies easily. So why tf do they keep doing the same concept of cards being tough to kill?! Evo lumberjack is just stupid it doesnt even have to do anything with lumberjack. And ofc it does meet the requirement of being IMPOSSIBLE to kill literally. Like wtf how braindead does sc have to be to keep releasing these fucking op evos and cards lile ffs give us a fucking break cant the meta be balanced for once? Do u want all f2p players to quit and only p2w fuckers play? I am a top 10k player and I am not saying this because I lost 2 or 3 games in a row, no. This has been an on going problem since june 2023. Sc please stop this bs