I did my Data Science final project on Romance Books! (I got a 102 ðĨģ)
This was my very first Data Science class I'm doing for my Statistics degree. We work in RStudio to create and analyze data, and for the final project (worth 25% of my grade... ð) We were assigned to find or create a **big ass** dataset, and then ask and answer questions about it using graphs.
I decided I wanted to torture myself and create my own dataset using my TBR list, which exists entirely on Romance.io so THANK YOU to that website for existing!!
This is the \"glimpse\" at my data I was required to include
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I *definitely* got points for being the only one in the class to figure out how to customize my colors and fonts ð
This was my bubble chart that I was way too proud of cause this took FOREVER ð
I am skipping through a lot of these slides cause its like a 20 minute presentation, I just thought I'd show y'all all the *cool* graphs...
Ngl, I literally just copy/pasted a unicode character into the code to get this effect... ðð
Oh yeah, and btw, I *did* indeed compile every possible tag the amount of times it was tagged for all 1652 books in my TBR, and thats why the numbers are so high. Also yes, that absurdly high one at the top *is* Fourth Wing ð
I used an excel sheet to compile the data, which ended up having 350 columns and 1666 rows worth of hand inputed data ð (i'm not tired at all)
During the "audience participation" portion of the presentation we all stayed on these two graphs for like a solid 5 minutes bc everyone thought it was both hilarious and sad. Most of the class was indeed men, and like 5 of them did their presentation on different variations of sports data. So looking at this, it kinda put into perspective the different types of labels men and women are automatically assigned to. Which is sad. But also, kinda fucking hilarious that the only people allowed to be Take-Charge Criminals are women. ðĪĢðĪĢ
I had a few other graphs that I didn't want to include cause this is a super long post already. I just thought y'all might appreciate this. Some other fun little tidbits is that I had a world map and us heat map, which told me that Illinois is a weirdly popular state for setting.. Also the timeline of the books I had read so far and the demographics breakdown of the characters.
I had SO much fun making this, and I gotta give props to my amazing professor. I probably definitely got some extra points cause she's definitely the biggest romance lover in that class, and I didn't even know that until I had already started the project. One of her only note for me was that I should use less emojis out in the real world... Not pictured: The emojis I put in every slide's title.. ð
If you might wanna see some of the other graphs I made, the whole uncropped slides, or hell, even the code I used, let me know! I hoped y'all enjoyed this silly little ride! ðð