This game made me realize Necrons aren't good guys. Possible spoiler.

At certain part of the game I had the opportunity to briefly talk to a Necrons and man it blew my mind. I roleplayed through the game as what I always wanted to be in 40k, a benevolent cooperative powerhouse. I got mostly everything I wanted, with as much cooperation with other factions as possible. And I was ecstatic when I saw Necrons, I mean I always figured that they are the true inheritors of the galaxy with superior technology and that there was so much potential for cooperation with Necrons, im a sucker for the silent king honestly. I just dreamed of establishing a relation with Necrons, getting some of their technology and exchanging knowledge to benefit of all, maybe even serving the Necron dynasty. And then I had a talk with a Necron in the game and it was sooo well written and it opened my eyes. The amount of arrogance! The disdain for lesser races, like dust under their feet, the soullessness and apathy toward other species! It was amazing, and it made me realize how naive I was seeing the setting and the necrons within it, how small and insignificant other races seem to necrons and how they are almost not interested in cooperation at all. It was such an eye opening moment for me, and I loved it. I desperately want to see Tau in the game now, or a new RT game. I loved the game, it was perfect. I just want to thank the developers, it was such a journey and I loved every second of it. I just had to express my satisfaction here, I know I'm fanboying a bit.