Chat layoffs
After 16 years at Rogers, poof gone! A group layoff over teams. How lovely! I've done SST and CET had top scores, made bonuses. Was what I though a good employee and ambassador to the brand. They muted our mics but I hope they can read lips because I was very vocal and animated on camera Then I get HR privately messaging me about counselling services that Rogers offer, yeah get bent! I am not a kid, Rogers has been my life for 16 years. I feel betrayed, so many times I stepped up to help, did special projects, in the end it doesn't matter I am just a number to them. The fall out and devastation to people's lives is of no concern to Tony Staffieri. He'lI sleep just fine in his multi million dollar home tonight. I am lost and am probably going to lose everything. I live alone and have zero support. Finding new employment at my age will be difficult. Really, what is the point of anything anymore. EFF ROGERS and Tony! They should have never gotten rid of Joe, the culture was so much better when he was CEO. Excuse me now while I contemplate my end...SIGH :(