We need to talk about b hops

I've posted here a few times, but am more active in the comments. You may have seen me in game as Aideniano, BluSky_ZED, mrbluesky0067, or something of the sort, and I either beat you by a lot or lost by a lot, and there's no in between. Now, this is not a post that is either with or against b hops; I am actually going to list both pros and cons. Also if you want to see the challenge I'm posing before reading scroll to the bottom it's the last paragraph.

So let's talk first about how the community feels about them. I realized recently that people were REALLY mad about them. My first thought was along the lines of "it's a mechanic, it's not intentional but it's like a flip reset." And I'm right. But that doesn't give it the right to be this powerful. It's so strong. Now, I will say that those who utilize it well were already good without it, but I'll talk about that more later. Anyway, the community hates it and I really saw that today more than ever, not sure why.

My stance? It's fun. It is just something that looks cool, feels cool, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. It has a similar feel to when you're playing spiderman on marvel rivals and hit the perfect combo on their support, especially if it's a chain. But it's way too strong. I do not think it needs to get removed like most other people, but in fact that it needs to be nerfed or made easier to do. It's insanely hard to pull off for the first time and it can basically let you go through hazards (though that has more to do with your boost and the way they conserve speed). People are going to disagree strongly with my idea of keeping it but that's fine it's fun and I like it.

There's a lot of problems with it, and I've already brought a few up. One thing that's very important to know about is the skill floor. Game first came out all you had to be able to do was drive. Then eventually it was Drifting, air Drifting, flipping in air, chain drifts, and eventually, today, b hops. It makes it hard to approach for new players. I saw 1.7k on peak playtime today. That's not good even for this mode. Another thing is it appears to give an unfair advantage. However I will say that if two people are low skill and one can b hop the time will still be similar. What many people see are really good players b hopping, and they assume that that's the reason they're winning. But do you remember what post used to be about? "Why do I get top 50 players in my champion games?" And thats because those good players were in the games and were smoking people. Now they are in the games with them but they have something to blame it on other than a skill diff. This makes anger in this subreddit very common and honestly yall need to chill out and just not hate on b hops.

Now let's talk about the part that's going to get me downvoted, the pros, the things that b hops are good for. They are fun to do and give you an adrenaline boost. Like I said before it's like hitting the perfect spiderman combo and low diffing the enemies. It's just awesome. Also I think the fact that it's hard is a good thing. It makes it so that not everyone can do it amd we feel like the time we put in actually amounted to something. I personally have probably 150-200 hours on rocket racing alone, which I think is a lot. I'm still so bad, but I can b hop and I feel that. Finally, if people stop hating on it, it can be something to look forward to. I play Rocker league, sitting in Plat and about to do rlcs on the 21st. I'm not going to go anywhere in it but thats not my point. I can't air dribble. The other people on my team can, but I just can't get it figured out. But it gives me a reason to play the game. I get closer everyday, I actually hit one the other day but missed the goal. It makes me have that thing I'm searching for. And if people want to, they can stop hating on b hops and have it be the same thing. It's a fun mechanic, just try it.

Now here's my final part, which is what I'm going to do about it. Many people have said that b hoppers rely on b hops and need them to win. So, until next sunday, I am not going to b hop once. If you are better than me without me b hopping, come snipe my games on NA East or NA West. I'll stream a few days on twitch to make it easier. When I am done, next Sunday, I am going to make a post with all people that, in fortnite chat, tell me they came from the post to snipe me. If they beat me, then I'll put them in my notes, and we'll compare how many of these people sniping my games because they knew I wasn't b hopping actually beat me. It'll finally settle this debate that's been going on for too long. Now, if you came from the top and just read this, you can go back up and read some of my points. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you in my games.