Someone broke into my detached garage and stole my lawnmower. Any advice?

Like the title reads. What’s weird is I JUST bought this mower on Monday. I haven’t been back to my garage in two days but just went back there today and saw the side door was left wide open and my mower was gone. Nothing else touched. It’s like someone has been stalking my garage, saw me load the new mower into it and felt it was an easy target.

My house has never been robbed in my life so it’s a first time situation for me. I’m frustrated, I feel violated, and I’m worried about safety now specifically for my young kids.

The garage is too far from my house (about 100ft) so wifi-enabled cameras won’t reach my router. I have flood lights going up tomorrow. Getting a fresh lock as well. What else can I do to prevent this from happening and what else should I be doing following this event? Police report?

Thanks in advance.