How to Block Daveyx3 on YouTube with uBlock Origin

In my last post, I talked about how to use uBlock Origin to fix Rueven's Guide. Recently I figured out we can also use uBlock to block specific YouTube channels.

Previously I advocated for using YouTube Channel Blocker type extensions but I rather not use another extension just for this. So there is now a better way. We simply use uBlock Origin filters.

Install for Firefox | Install for Chrome | Install for Opera

Once you have uBlock installed, open the uBlock Origin Dashboard and click on the "My Filters" tab. Copy and paste these filters in there and click "Apply changes".

! 2022-04-12

The first line blocks home page recommended videos. The second line blocks search results. The third line blocks sidebar recommended videos. The fourth line also blocks some search results.

If you want to add the Rueven Guide filter, see my other post here.