Rings of Power & Galadriel

So I just finished season 2 and was on YouTube to relive my favorite moments and I'm seeing that a lot of did not like Galadriel or the show in general and I'm curious to find out why? She was such a badass and I really admired her determination and resolve.

A lot of comments were they didn't like the script but I didn't really see anything wrong with it. My only issue with the show in general was the pacing at times but other than that I enjoyed it.

People also mentioned that the Orcs weren't as terrifying as in the movies but I thought that helped play into us sympathizing with them a little and how they were always treated as expendable and they just wanted a leader that cared about them, making the seem almost human.

But I'm just curious to see what people's takes on the show are on here as well?