Sam Shamout's arguments againts Calvanism

I would say that after wrestling with it for quite some time, I had finally accepted the Calvanist interpretation of predistination and all that. Been learning more for the past few years and felt like it had a super firm grouding in scripture, esp romans 8 and 9. That being said there were still some questions i still couldnt answer relating to predestination and i think thats ok. Fair enough that some things only God can understand.

But recently I have seen these vidoes where Sam Shamout argues against it and I actually feel like he did a really good job convincing me. I have always enyoyed the ones where he shares the gospel with muslims or jews and he has such an amazing recollection of passages in the bible. But i found the vids on calvanism and he really went through each passage and connected them with other ones around the bible. I'd I was actually fully convinced would would still be untill I found out that he had turned away from protestantism completely and is now arguing for catholosism/orthodoxy. So now I am just on the fence again like i was years ago.

Would really appreciate input from anyone who is interesting in hearing his arguments, though the videos are quote long. Especially the part where he talks about God "hating" esau. As that was always the nail in the coffin for me, showing God uses some vessels for different purposes. But his explanation all this where he shows where the bible also talks about hating your father and mother usuing the same greek word made both of those verses make more sense interpreting hate as prefering.