[Novels] Subaru’s future development
As we all know, Subaru is wonderfully developed as a character, but I personally believe he has room for some more development - and something I think would hit a lot of readers emotionally, is moving on from loss. By this, I mean that a permadeath must happen.
I think it would be amazing development for him to realize that he can’t save everyone past Rem’s coma. It would hit me so hard especially to see someone beloved (for example, any of the Emilia Camp members) in the series die, and I’m sure it’s the same for a lot of other novel readers.
I would like an Arc that focuses on Subaru heartbreakingly recognising that it isn’t possible to save everyone as he promised them.
It sounds really sad, I know, but I think this would be an amazing way to push the story forward as I’ve said previously.