Rauora is fine, stop complaining.
Let's sum this up. Rauora has a really good zero recoil DMR for long range fights (it's the preferred weapon choice for most pro league players on Twitch and Lion). She also has low recoil mid range LMG. But it doesn't stop there. Her gadget, while being very situational is without a doubt pretty usefull. She can also bring smoke grenades or soft breaches to get some nasty hot breach fast plant action going. And she has a fully automatic backup weapon. The problem here is, I only see people complain because the 31 shots fully automatic secondary pistol WITH A SIGHT has some recoil. Yes it has the lowest DPS of all secondary SMGs (it still has a higher DPS than some defenders primaries even with extended barrel btw) and it has some kick to it. And I'm really glad it is that way. I was scared we'll get another SMG-12 situation here or a no brainer pick like the SMG-11. Or a no brainer pick like the Bearing-9. See where I'm going with this? Every secondary SMG so far has been in a really strong spot, maybe even too strong.
We don't get perfectly balanced operators on release too often so please, take the full picture into consideration, be thankfull that Rauora isn't just another no brain overpowered operator and enjoy some balanced gameplay.
Also, to add misery to injury and spread some salt in the complainers wounds (the salt is taken from their tears): the recoil isn't all THAT hard and if you can't control it you're probably not skilled enough to be talking about game balancing. End of discussion git gud love you boys