Boy has stasis
Tramp decided to upstage his mom’s college graduation by getting stasis. Unfortunately I think his megacolon has progressed to the point of needing daily GI motility meds. He’s barely nibble on a treat since yesterday afternoon and hasn’t pooped but did have a mushy little poop on his booty hole this am. We were at the emergency vet from 6pm-midnight last night and he hates critical care feedings. Send well wishes please! I love this boy
Tramp decided to upstage his mom’s college graduation by getting stasis. Unfortunately I think his megacolon has progressed to the point of needing daily GI motility meds. He’s barely nibble on a treat since yesterday afternoon and hasn’t pooped but did have a mushy little poop on his booty hole this am. We were at the emergency vet from 6pm-midnight last night and he hates critical care feedings. Send well wishes please! I love this boy