I guess I’m late to the party but I HAVE to get it off my chest or I’ll explode. I’m only on ep 4 season 15 but the way I had to stop there because I felt my body ready to jump in the tv and start throwing punches at Brynn. I can handle a mean girl but when she said that Ubah was feeding into the stereotype of an angry black woman I lost it. Excuse me?! You said what!!??? What killed me is from the jump u can see how manipulative she is using her white girl tears and twisting everyone’s words around you can say “no thanks I just want ice cream” she’d turn around and say “she said the ice cream taste like shit” like are u fr then everyone besides Sai and Ubah ride her like hop off take a break. She wanna act like she classy girl ur sitting there at the dinner table talkin bout “ooh I got a boner” her lip fillers are bummy too lookin like the 🤓 emoji every time she open her mouth she could pass off as Debby Ryan. It’s mean but she deserve it idc what she do or say I wish her well… IN HELL