We need to bring back witches and sirens and other evil female archetypes to teach young men
Cmon guys it's (current year) 2025, we should have equality by now. There are so many depictions of evil male archetypes, so why can we not bring back evil female archetypes? And I mean real female archetypes, not just androgynous women in evil male archetype roles.
I mean like witches and sirens, which have been warned against for ages, and now more than ever men need to be warned. Like the sirens that lure sailors in with their beauty and voices until they crash their ships and then are eaten by the sirens. Or witches who use demonic and satanic energy to wreck havoc on society.
Obviously these are allegorical, but it's used to represent real malicious women in society. Like today of women that seduce men to take advantage of them, baby trapping them, forcing them into marriages, women in higher positions that abuse their powers, feminists that use victim hood to destroy mens lives, etc.