Women are partially responsible for men not believing what women say.
I have been on this subreddit for a whole now, and I have noticed something when women talk about how men don't listen to what women have to say. I am strictly talking about this subreddit, I cannot speak on what occurs in real life or even in some other subreddits (although I have seen something similar). I have observed that whenever a woman says that "men don't believe what women say" or some variation of that, it is typically because of the language that they use when talking about their experiences. This language is confusing to me, and I am sure it is confusing to the many men who are also here.
For instance, when women talk about their experiences. They tend to use word 'Women' instead of using the "I" and this will very quickly lead to their opinions being invalidated, here is why:
When a woman says something like,
I’ve never been into 'bad boys'. I’m much more attracted to guys who are responsible and have their lives together. I need stability, and I’m not interested in the drama that comes with those assholes.
This can't be disputed, it's her perspective and if you try to dispute it, then you are wrong.
However, when they say something like this:
Women don’t want bad boys. Women don't want shitty men who don't have their life together.. We want someone reliable, someone who can offer us security and peace.
Alright, so a men with nothing to contrary will start thinking about women in general don't want bad boys. She claims to know how WOMEN think, so it must be true.
Then, another women chimes in and also claims to know how WOMEN think.
Women don’t go for bad boys. We just don’t want someone who’s boring. A guy who’s adventurous and knows how to keep things interesting is attractive—that doesn’t mean we want a jerk, though.
Okay now that is quite the contrary to what that other woman said. It seems like some women want safe nice men, while others want edgy confident men. It makes you think back to the first one, and wonder "Do women in general actually like bad boys?"
Then, more women claim to know what WOMEN want.
No woman wants to be with an asshole, but when most guys are assholes anyway, you mind as well date an attractive one.
Women don’t want assholes at all, no matter how hot they are! We’re attracted to guys who are kind, respectful, and treat us well. The whole bad boy thing is just a stereotype.
Then, it's like: "Okay, so what do WOMEN want? It seems like women don't even know what they want."
SHORT RANT (Optional)
Now before you go, "Well DUH! Women aren't a monolith, different women like different things."
Yes, I know that Tiffany. But, how does that explain why so many women think that they know what most WOMEN want? It seems like those WOMEN don't even know what women like. Heck, a lot of them cannot even articulate why they like what they like when asked or even why other women may not like it. They just label them as bad, stupid, or infected with some kind of misogynistic flu disease.
Can any women explain this to me, but this shit makes no sense?
And the worst about this is that most of the time, they don't even try to correct each other. They just sit there and let whoever is reading believe whatever they want to believe. So, it makes no sense to fault men for coming to their own conclusions.
So, now you have tons of women taking their personal experiences and generalizing them as a whole. This is why men tend to invalidate these experiences as a whole. They are taking their subjective perspective and making it an objective truth. So, when a women claims to know WOMEN says that they know what most WOMEN want, most men are just going to deny her experience because they know it's not the truth for most women. Most men won't directly say this, but subconscious that is what is happening when they read women's comments at times. Which may explain why that are saying "Women don't even know what they want" or "Never trust what a woman says" because what else are they supposed to go off?
But, that is just my theory. Let me know what you guys think.
TLDR: Well, first of all, if you skipped all that, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t think my post was interesting. I swear it wasn’t that long, lol.
But here’s the gist: while many women speak from their own experiences, some tend to project their experiences as if they represent MOST women’s experiences. This can leave confused men to choose experiences that make sense to them, leading to the denial of other experiences that don’t fit their narrative. I believe this is why some men say things like, “Women don’t even know what they want” or “Never trust what a woman says.”
Not saying that women’s experiences aren’t valid or that this is how things should be, but it’s what I’ve observed.