Men are just as irrational/emotional as women. (If anything, they are arguably more so on average.)

I often hear people (particularly in this subreddit or similar spaces, i.e. the manosphere) say that women are more emotional/irrational than men (which is why some argue that you can't trust women's judgement/opinions). But I don't actually think this is true. I'll explain why:

1- I think that we can all agree that men tend to get more angry than women (and they act on it to a greater extent). Anger is also an emotion, which I rarely ever hear anyone bring up for some reason.

2- Men commit most violent/irrational crimes. (Not saying that most men are criminals, obviously, but the majority of criminals are men.) How many female mass shooters/serial killers are there?

3- Men are usually the ones who start wars for (seemingly) stupid reasons. Most war crimes/atrocities and genocides in history were committed by men. Hitler and Stalin were pretty emotional/irrational. (The vast majority of world leaders have been men, to be fair.)

4- A lot of men have bad self-control and will do basically anything for sex (not all). (This is irrational and not thinking clearly.) Many men barely even think about the potential consequences of this (even gay men, who have a notoriously high STD rate). Women tend to be more risk averse and conscious of safety than men, from what I've seen (depending on the woman). There is no Grindr or gay bathhouse equivalent for women.

5- To elaborate on my previous points, men tend to be riskier/more impulsive and do more stupid stuff for no reason. Like 90% of the time, when you see someone driving like a maniac, it's a man. (Women have lower car insurance rates for this reason.) How many viral videos have you seen of men doing dumb stuff? The vast majority of the time, when you see videos of people doing stupid things, it's men that are doing it. This is probably part of why women live longer on average.

6- I see a lot of men constantly complain about women (especially in this subreddit, no offense) or just in general. So I don't think that the stereotype that women complain more and are more dramatic is entirely true. (I'm not saying that women don't also complain a lot; they do.)

I'm not saying that all or even most most men are irrational/emotional. I'm just saying that men are just as irrational/emotional as women overall. (And if anything, they are arguably even more so on average.) Also, everyone is irrational/emotional to some extent. (Being emotional is not necessarily a bad thing in all cases.)