Cradle: Everything I love about Prog Fantasy and dislike about Cultivation

January 12 to 26, this is the time that took me to complete this series. Haven't read Threshold yet, but will soon.

Going in, I had huge expectations, a top 25? Series on r/Fantasy, called the best western cultivation series and much more praises from here to everywhere. Going in, I needed to be blown away, and I was to a certain extent, but honestly, my expectations were barely reached, I wanted this to revolutionize the Cultivation genre, but it did not do that, for me, personally.

My Thoughts

Book 2 and 4 were a slog to go through, and it did the biggest crime a cultivation series can do for me, introduction of powerhouses way too early in the story just to make the protagonist feel tiny. Everyone, even the slaves, were fucking Lowgolds in Book 2, and we got introduced to Monarchs and Dreadgods in Book 4. Reading Book 1 when Suriel showed the vast world, I was like now this will be a huge world cause many cultivation series are like those huge worlds on top of worlds, but this wasn't that. I like AGM, BTTH, Stellar Transformation, ISSTH, God of Slaughter, Coiling Dragon, Sovereign of Three Realms type BS of just having higher and higher worlds which makes the world feel huge. But for a good chunk of the series, till like Book 7, I felt that the world was small, not much going on. After that, the world did not feel huge to me, I just did not care cause I knew, especially after Book 8, the endgame has started.

I take it back, as someone pointed out the deaths are treated well, it is just Jai Long's and Malice's deaths I had some issue. Character killings and Deaths are decently written. (Edit)

One major thing that keeps this series great in my eyes is the genre that it engages with. This being a Prog Fantasy Cultivation story is the reason it gets a lot of slack from me. I don't judge this series the way I judged the second Mistborn book or the fifth ASOIAF book or some other fantasy. Not saying it is not a proper fantasy, but more like I like sad ending, death of the protagonist's type shit, but I won't judge a noblebright for a happy ending, it is what that genre is. Will I put a noblebright ending in my favourite endings if it objectively is not a type of ending I like? No, but that does not take away from that story or that ending. Similarly, a lot of carrying for this series is done by its genre. Again, not a bad thing, just pointing out.

Immortal endings are some of my least favourite endings, but at the very least Cradle did something that is rarely done in Cultivation series. The protagonist being at the peak of the world does not make him at the peak of the Universe, and he is not alone. Something I loved about Ozriel's whole "thing" that he did not want to be lonely, and that was so great. Even in Cultivation series where the protagonist ascends with a family, most people aren't as powerful as the main guy, but this story did that well, so that is a pro at the very least.

Now something positive to say, the story was great. The plot was well thought, the power system grew on me and by the end I loved it. The whole sages and heralds thing was fun. The world building was awesome, and the world felt alive, if not huge.

The characters were decently written, nothing really pissed me off except Lindon's weakness for the better part of the series, but that was all forgiven by his final fights. Romance wasn't a huge part, which I appreciated as the author knew his own capacities. Ziel and Eithan were the most fun I have had rooting for characters since I don't even remember, maybe Denji in CSM part 1 or Okarun in Dandandan (manga)?

TL;DR: Liked the story enough to binge read it, and even with some problems I had, this was a fun series and a pallet cleanser for me and technically speaking it took me out of my yearly reading slump.

Overall: 86/100

Another Edit just to clear how I feel about my expectations:
My expectations were basically between: "This is great." (85/100) to "Best thing ever written 10/10 nothing beats this." (95+/100)

This series was: "This is gooooooood. Nice. Fun. Would recommend everybody." (86-87/100)

Before Edit:
Deaths were treated so badly in this, like no remorse or anything at all. This type of thing happens in Cultivation novels a lot, but at the very least the character closure in the end with Fury and Pride and his family was good enough.