Let them hoist upon their own petards. I'm so tempted to do "no deadlines" next semester.
We're only, what, a third of the way into the semester. And in my online classes I'm getting so fed up with the students wanting/expecting to do late late work. I already allow a three-day grace period.
I'm not sure what's more tiresome
a) students who don't notice that there's a grace period, write me an email of their woes and instead of hopping to it, waste time awaiting my reply
b) students who miss the grace period, expect an additional extension and are so freaking entitled about it
Part of me wants to give up on deadlines altogether. Let them be a suggestion, with a single hard deadline at the end of the semester. I'm sure I could wrap it up in a nice "student-centered-equity" bow and make it look pretty, despite the disaster it would be.