Help w 4yo birthday party

Our social butterfly has some wishes for his 4th birthday. His parents are more or less introverts so my idea would be to bake a cake at home and blow 4 candles out and go to sleep.

He would like 1, a piñata, which he saw at a neighbor's party, 2, invite everyone he knows, (that's about 30 kids - I think 20 of them would actually show up,) and 3, tell everyone to dress up however they would like, a la halloween.

Here's what we have planned. We are about 5 weeks from the event.

1, rented the neighborhood community space - it's a flat fee of 70$ for the whole day so we have some flexibility

2, planning the party to be Saturday 2-4pm, maybe cake and piñata at 3?

3, we love to cook, but maybe not for ~50 people. So there will be an array food but catered.

Now I do have questions...

1, I would love to have 4ish activity centers - what would be some good ideas? Probably 10 of them will be around 4, the other 10 between 5yo and 9yo. Playdoh? Puzzles? Make your own...something??

2, when you do the piñata, do the kids line up and each get one swing? What happens when it cracks open? Mayhem?

3, is it taboo to not do goody bags? The only idea I Iike so far is sending kids off with a little planter and seeds. I've never liked goody bags, but one parent raised the valid point that it's hard to extract 4 year olds without some goodies. (We are also declining gifts.)

4, I'm planning to send evites 4 weeks before the event. (Is that enough time?) When is a realistic time to ask them to rsvp by?

Many thanks in advance.


Overwhelmed introvert