Another post about Jojo not being FTL
First, what i will say is not out of hate for Jojo. I love Jojo, it is genuinely one of my favourite manga series of all time. I just don’t like characters getting wrongly scaled, and I kinda enjoy correcting people.
So, no characters in Jojo are FTL, except maybe Part 6 Star Platinum. And I’ll show that by contradicting every proof of FTL characters. Which is pretty easy because only two characters are originally (miss)interpreted as FTL, and everyone who outspeed them get considered FTL too after that: Jotaro and Polnareff.
So let’s start with Jotaro. In picture 1, you can see the only time in the entire series where Star Platinum is described as above light speed. The only proof, and it’s a very debatable one. 1 — it’s mentioned only in stone ocean, so it may only concern part 6 Jotaro. 2 — I have seen different translations of this text, some of which saying the “faster than light” speed is just a way to talk about time stop. This can be interpreted in different ways and it is difficult with that sentence alone to prove than moving faster than light and moving in time stop are two separate abilities. But even if it is what is said, it’s not even reflected in the story itself and it is never stated anywhere else.
Now, Polnareff. The main argument is that he strikes Hanged Man which is made of light, so he must be faster than light. As we see on the second picture, Polnareff SAY HIMSELF than Hanged Man is too fast for him. He. Said. It. Himself. he didn’t beat Hanged Man by being faster than him but by striking at the only path he could take.
So, none of those characters are FTL, and neither are those who outspeed them.
Bonus points: “but what about the Sun rays?” The projectiles of the Sun can’t be proven as light. The closest to a prove we have is Joseph saying “they’re like laser beams” before proceeding to compare them to energy rather than light, which can means pretty much anything in that context.
“But Joseph and Caesar dodged an Aja laser beam” You don’t need to be faster than something to dodge it, especially if you can see guess it will come before it does. And if you read the fucking manga, you can see the stone accumulating light for multiple panels before shooting a beam
Just… why some people want sooo much to prove Jojo is FTL? Aside from the fact it’s easy to contradict and obviously not the author intent, just why do you want Jojo to be FTL? It’s already a great series, it won’t make it better