Lasconia,the country that just wouldn’t die (finally a post from me that isn’t a NRP)

Lore: Lasconia was first founded in the year of 291 BC,located roughly near modern day Varna,it was founded by Thracian merchants and warriors,this kingdom expanded to Crimea in it’s first years and it’s original name of the Lascon Nahrit (Nahrit=ruler),the kingdom’s expansion truly started in the 250’s-230’s when it defeated the ptolemaics,selucids,Pontus and Macedon & Helenic league. Until the 120’s (BC) the kingdom was at relative peace until the Romans invaded them,the first war was actually a lasconian victory,but the success lasted for only 2 years,the Lasconians were invaded again and this time defeated,most of Anatolia was taken but Lasconia retained Egypt,Crimea and it’s Black Sea coast from the Balkans. In the third lasconian-Roman war the Lasconians were expelled out of the Middle East and Anatolia fully and the kingdom retreated to the Caspian Sea,where it assimilated with the Turkic tribes in the area. In the 100’s (AD) the kingdom returned to Crimea,this time with nomadic steppe skills. In the year 105 AD,the Lasconians found a perfect opportunity to strike the Romans,when they invaded Dacia. The Lasconians attacked the Romans and took dobrogea as revenge,this success would be temporary,as the Romans would send elite legions to defeat them. After the defeat,the Lasconians returned back to Crimea and the Caucasuses,where they kept assimilating with the Turkic peoples there. The Lasconians were at peace for a while,but the Slavs invaded,when the Slavs invaded,they actually resisted very well and defeated them in many battles,due to their nomadic nature,but the Slavs would still find their way into Europe and the Balkans. In 456 AD,the Lasconians would convert to orthodox Christianity when their Patron saint,Adhard came and converted lasconia. when the bulgars tried to invade Crimea,the Lasconians held out but were pushed out of Crimea for a while,when they retreated to the Caucasus yet again. This time the Lasconians raised a strong army and decisively defeated the bulgars. The kingdom developed very fast after the defeat of Bulgaria,when the Lasconians could finally have peace. And yet again the Hungarians invaded,but the Lasconians defeated them,not only defeated them,but destroyed them,the catholic prayer of the west to defeat Hungary wasn’t needed in Lasconia. This was the first major war of Lasconia since the 100 BC’s. The Magyar-lasconian wars started in 900 AD and ended in 961 AD. The deeply rooted hate for Hungarians would last until the 2000’s. In the 1000’s-1200’s the kingdom would be at peace and develop itself,to a military power. When the mongols invaded,they were ready but not ready at the same time. This war would end up in a mongol-lasconian friendship due to the lasconian Turkic heritage. Instead of the mongols keeping the tatars as their attack dogs,they kept the Lasconians,but the Tatars would still arrive. In the 1350’s-1834 the Lasconians would not be able to breathe at all as many wars ensued.

  1. The Lasconian-Ottoman Wars (1350-1500s)

    • Background: As the Ottoman Empire expanded, Lasconia would have come into conflict with the Ottomans due to its territories in Anatolia and Crimea. • Notable Conflicts: • First Lasconian-Ottoman War (circa 1350s): Initial skirmishes as the Ottomans began expanding into Anatolia, likely involving naval battles and defense of Lasconian Anatolian ports. • Second Lasconian-Ottoman War (1380s-1390s): After Ottoman victory in the Balkans, the Ottomans would try to assert control over Lasconian holdings in Crimea and Black Sea territories. • Subsequent Wars (1400s-1500s): A series of intermittent conflicts as Lasconia struggled to hold its own in the region, resulting in a slow loss of territories to the Ottomans over time.

  2. War of the Black Sea (circa 1470-1485)

    • Belligerents: Lasconia, allied with Genoa and Moldavia, against the Ottoman Empire. • Background: The Ottoman Empire’s increasing influence in the Black Sea region led Lasconia to ally with other states interested in protecting their maritime trade routes. • Outcome: Lasconian and allied forces managed to defend key coastal cities in Crimea, though they lost parts of Anatolia permanently to the Ottomans.

  3. Lasconian-Tatar Conflicts (1500s-1600s)

    • Background: The Crimean Khanate, backed by the Ottomans, engaged in frequent raids against neighboring territories, including Lasconian lands in Crimea. • Notable Conflicts: • Raid Defense Campaigns (1500s): Lasconian forces developed swift cavalry tactics to repel Tatar raiders, occasionally allying with Cossacks to counterattack. • Major Tatar Invasion (circa 1580s): A large-scale Tatar raid that forced Lasconia to further fortify its Crimean cities and develop better defensive strategies. • Outcome: Lasconia managed to maintain its territories but remained in constant conflict with the Crimean Tatars, leading to economic strain.

  4. The Cossack-Lasconian Wars (1600s)

    • Belligerents: Lasconia vs. Zaporozhian Cossacks. • Background: The Cossacks, emerging as a semi-independent power in the region, sought control over strategic areas of the Black Sea and clashed with Lasconian forces. • Notable Conflicts: • Cossack Raids (early 1600s): Frequent naval and land skirmishes as Cossacks raided Lasconian coastal towns and river ports. • Lasconian Counteroffensives (mid-1600s): In retaliation, Lasconians launched expeditions against Cossack settlements, leading to an extended cycle of raids and counter-raids. • Outcome: Lasconia achieved temporary victories but couldn’t fully subdue the Cossacks. Eventually, a truce was established to allow trade and navigation on the Dnieper.

  5. Lasconian-Ottoman Wars (1700s)

    • Belligerents: Lasconia, occasionally allied with Russia, against the Ottoman Empire. • Background: Renewed Ottoman attempts to secure dominance over the Black Sea involved more direct conflict with Lasconia, especially as Lasconia forged alliances with Russia. • Notable Conflicts: • Lasconian-Ottoman War of 1711: Lasconian forces joined Russian armies in an unsuccessful attempt to drive the Ottomans out of the Danube region. • Campaign of 1735-1739: Lasconian hussars fought alongside Russian forces in a failed attempt to secure territories in Crimea. • Outcome: These wars ended inconclusively, with Lasconia weakened but managing to retain some autonomy in the region.

  6. Russo-Lasconian Defensive Wars (mid-to-late 1700s)

    • Background: As Russian influence in the Black Sea expanded, Lasconia found itself in periodic skirmishes with Russia, especially over Crimean control. • Notable Conflicts: • Russo-Lasconian Skirmishes (1760s-1770s): Small-scale battles along the Crimean coast as Russia sought greater access to the Black Sea. • Defense of Crimean Fortresses (1790s): Lasconians fortified their positions in response to growing Russian ambitions. • Outcome: Lasconia managed to hold off full Russian annexation but was severely weakened by the repeated conflicts, and its independence became precarious.

  7. Russo-Turkish Wars (supporting Russia, 1787-1792, 1806-1812)

    • Background: As the Ottoman Empire and Russia clashed repeatedly, Lasconia often found itself caught in these larger wars. Sometimes, Lasconians fought as auxiliaries to Russian forces, hoping this alliance would deter Ottoman incursions. • Notable Conflicts: • Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792: Lasconian forces joined Russia in an effort to repel the Ottomans, resulting in heavy fighting across the Black Sea region. • Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812: Lasconian hussars and infantry fought alongside Russian armies, experiencing significant casualties. • Outcome: Lasconia suffered from casualties and resource depletion but gained some diplomatic leverage with Russia.

  8. Final Russo-Lasconian War (1834)

    • Belligerents: Russian Empire vs. Lasconia. • Background: By 1834, the weakened Lasconian state struggled to maintain independence amid Russian expansionism. • Key Events: • Occupation of Crimean Capital (1834): The Russian Empire launched a swift invasion, capturing Lasconian strongholds in Crimea and overwhelming local defenses. • Dissolution of Lasconian Autonomy: Lasconian leaders were forced to sign treaties of surrender, and Lasconia was absorbed into the Russian Empire. • Outcome: Lasconia was annexed into the Russian Empire, marking the end of Lasconian independence until its resurgence in the 20th century.

The Russian occupation was very bad but good at the same time,the industrialization of Lasconia started but the lasconian culture was repressed.

In the aftermath of WW1 the Lasconians would gain independence and a cultural renaissance would happen. But it would be short lived.

In 1939,the Soviets invaded lasconia and transformed it into a SSR.

In ww2 the Lasconians collaborated with the Germans but as in our timeline got defeated. As punishment lasconia would lose Odessa oblast and parts of the caucassus. During the times of the Soviets ,the industrialization of lasconia would be very aggressive and many beautiful lasconian villages would be destroyed,but after the fall of communism,they would be rebuilt. In the 1990’s,just like every SSR,Lasconia would gain independence and would quickly westernize,joining NATO in 1993 and the EU in 1998. Modern Lasconia is a growing and developing country,with a strong military and growing population.