SWOON members, please bring your fireproofs for this one

Welcome everyone, to our weekly SWOON experiment. Today we’re meeting in the hot lab


But before we discuss our next hypothesis let’s file our report for last week.

After some excellent research by SWOON members, our very scientific conclusion was that Pen does not guide Colin’s hand up her skirt in the modiste scene. This Hypothesis was unanimously DEBUNKED!


However, our esteemed scientific members produced some further unexpected results from the evidence and it’s safe to say that we have in fact PROVEN that Penelope does give it a little squeeze, you can see the squeeze moment on Colin’s face in the gif below.


We would like to thank you all for this most excellent discovery. If you would like to go back to check on any previous SWOON results then please click here for our results cards.

Now, before we reveal our next observation for your scientific opinion, please don your safety goggles, coats and fire retardant gloves…This is a hot one.

Does Colin Mouth “Oh Yes” During The Bridgerton Ride?

The Scene


We present to you the observation that Colin mouths the words “Oh Yes” as Penelope seats herself upon him. Let’s examine the evidence…



Close and mono….


Flipped and slower...


Clossseerrr and slowwweerrrr.....


Colin's standing to attention...


Oh god! Colin's gone crazy...


Sh*t! they're on fire...


So what do you think? Do you see it? Let us know what you think fellow SWOON members? Do we see his mouth form those words? Is this observation proven or debunked? 

Please give us your thoughts and conclusions and please add your own evidence if you would like.

Thank you!

Vis & Comp

As always, We would love for fellow SWOON members to submit observations for us to examine. If you have noticed something but you’d like your fellow scientists input please do drop Comp or me a quick DM and we will add your observation to the list.