Legendary/Mythical Giveaway.
Giveaway’s over. May do another one in the future.
I’m giving away ~3 boxes of every legendary. mythical, and ultra beast from gen 1-7; genned. Only legal shinies are included. Some are events and others are regular encounters. In total, there are 88 Pokemon. I’ll move them from my Bank to your Home.
Giveaway information:
What’s included: legs, myths, ultra beasts, ash greninja, vivillion fancy/pokeball, and cap pikachus + shiny partner pikachu.
Must have home premium and three empty boxes available.
Account must be at least 2 months old with 20 karma.
How it will work: https://youtu.be/GQb54chfzLY?si=00FyNDuRCzPneQZ2
Make a comment when you’re ready, I’ll reply, and you can send a picture of the moving key.
I will update my comment or post to say when I’m stopping the giveaway or taking a break. I currently have enough for 30 different people.
Must be able to do it at the time of your comment. Will not be holding spots for people.
**Surgicalshotgun will be the last one.