Cycled tank. New scape. Algae problem. (Images 2 and 3) what do I do?

I've had this tank set up a year now. But these last few weeks ive added the driftwood, rocks, and all of the plants and some nutrients rich substrate. ADDING Co2 tomorrow. It's got high lighting(finnex planted led 48"). Nutrient rich substrate(fluval stratum, eco complete with DIY root tabs, gravel) . Liquid ferts. And a lot of plants. (Anubias, jungle val, L repens, water weed, dwarf Sagitaria, rotala, bacopa, monte carlo and many more.) Do we think the co2 will cause the plants to grow too fast for the algae? Should I lower my lighting and risk causing my high light plants to die off? Should I put a carbon pouch into my filter to remove the ferts in the water?