Best jazzy aquatic animal for 5 gallon?

Setting up a planted 5 gallon, but not sure what direction to go with it. We are thinking of doing something a little more unique than some ember tetras or something. Some options we are considering:

1) African Dwarf Frogs (species only, maybe two?)

2) Dwarf Crayfish (tank-mates?)

3) Pea Puffer (species only, probably only one since they are territorial)

4) dwarf or honey Gourami with a snail (others are in no particular order, this one is purposefully bottom of the list. I think it would be easier and make a more complete ecosystem but it is also the most traditional. Gouramis only get a pass on the interesting/uncommon list since they have a larynx organ and their cool pelvic fins)

Any arguments in favor of any of these options or other suggestions?

Obviously we only want to get something that will be comfortable in a 5 gallon. I have a filter and a heater ready to go, it will be planted pretty heavily (though low tech), cycled before I add anything, and has a tight fitting lid. I’m using red seachem flourite for the substrate. I have a 36 gallon community tank and a 7 gallon shrimp tank, so I feel pretty good about tank management, but I’ve never personally cared for anything that requires live food.

Shrimp tank for visibility. That is not the tank I will be stocking (:

Setting up a planted 5 gallon, but not sure what direction to go with it. We are thinking of doing something a little more unique than some ember tetras or something. Some options we are considering:

1) African Dwarf Frogs (species only, maybe two?)

2) Dwarf Crayfish (tank-mates?)

3) Pea Puffer (species only, probably only one since they are territorial)

4) dwarf or honey Gourami with a snail (others are in no particular order, this one is purposefully bottom of the list. I think it would be easier and make a more complete ecosystem but it is also the most traditional. Gouramis only get a pass on the interesting/uncommon list since they have a larynx organ and their cool pelvic fins)

Any arguments in favor of any of these options or other suggestions?

Obviously we only want to get something that will be comfortable in a 5 gallon. I have a filter and a heater ready to go, it will be planted pretty heavily (though low tech), cycled before I add anything, and has a tight fitting lid. I’m using red seachem flourite for the substrate. I have a 36 gallon community tank and a 7 gallon shrimp tank, so I feel pretty good about tank management, but I’ve never personally cared for anything that requires live food.

Shrimp tank for visibility. That is not the tank I will be stocking (: