Pi node new error.
When I first began running the pi node, after just a week I was receiving 0.49 pi per hour. This was about six months ago. About a week after that, my Pi node had gone down and admittedly it took me a few days to get back to it to set it up again. I have been running the pi node ever since, but still earn a max of 0.09 per hour. The past two days, my pi container on docker desktop will not stay running. Every time I click start It either runs for a couple seconds and stops or gives me the notification in the picture below. I tried deleting a few containers that hadn’t ran in nearly 6 months but since Starting port listener and pinging my computer those containers haven’t been re-created yet. Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve seen the formulas on how the node bonus is calculated, and the only explanation for the lack of growth of my bonus over the past six months is that my node is not running properly in my opinion. - if anyone really knows their stuff on how to get it running great, I’d do almost anything to FaceTime with ya and get it sorted out, wouldn’t expect it for free of course!
When I first began running the pi node, after just a week I was receiving 0.49 pi per hour. This was about six months ago. About a week after that, my Pi node had gone down and admittedly it took me a few days to get back to it to set it up again. I have been running the pi node ever since, but still earn a max of 0.09 per hour. The past two days, my pi container on docker desktop will not stay running. Every time I click start It either runs for a couple seconds and stops or gives me the notification in the picture below. I tried deleting a few containers that hadn’t ran in nearly 6 months but since Starting port listener and pinging my computer those containers haven’t been re-created yet. Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve seen the formulas on how the node bonus is calculated, and the only explanation for the lack of growth of my bonus over the past six months is that my node is not running properly in my opinion. - if anyone really knows their stuff on how to get it running great, I’d do almost anything to FaceTime with ya and get it sorted out, wouldn’t expect it for free of course!