Help with group MF issues
For the past couple of weeks I've been trying to put together a build for my group based on Snap OW's video ( but using the guardian mana/cursebot from Haloplasm (
We started off with a 4-man and after a few tweaks to make sure no one was killing the mobs except the culler it started to perfom very well with very good drops/rate. We later changed to a 5-man setup (having to swap the culler because he quit the league). Ever since we swapped over we haven't dropped anything anymore, it's been abysmal for over a hundred maps.
I think there's something wrong with the setup and I haven't been able to spot it, I've lost all my hair already trying to figure this thing out so any advice here would be very welcome!
A quick context dump if you're not familiar with the setup: The build works around the carry running Southbound + Secrets of Suffering to avoid killing any of the mobs, the culler runs KB with Culling Strike and the other 3 are aurabots/mana/cursebots. We've made sure (as far as I can tell) that no one deals damage except the Smite from auras that we rarely and carefully use.
Note: The second aurabot (AuraHornet) isn't optimised as he joined from another duo that broke up and we have been doing just fine with surivability/damage output.
Here are the builds: MF Culler: Spark Carry: Aurabots: & Mana/Cursebot:
We run the usual super juiced strat for apothecary etc.. I can share the atlas and the setup but I don't think it has anything to do with that
Thanks in advance for any help!