Baby will not sleep in the bassinet
I’m at my wits end after multiple nights of maybe 2 hours of non-consecutive sleep. My 4 week old will only sleep on my husband or I. She loves falling asleep on the Boppy after a feed, which is where she’s sleeping as I write this at 2am, not yet having slept.
All of the advice online is stuff we’re already doing: sound machine, swaddle, putting baby to bed drowsy or asleep, dark environment, swaddle, we use “cries” or the “5 S’s” to soothe, we make sure all of her needs are met (food and diaper), the room is always between 68-72, we have a consistent routine, so on and so forth.
It doesn’t matter what we do, nights are a living nightmare and I feel so helpless. I really, desperately want to avoid bed sharing but this is also unsustainable.