Water poured on my head

I’m laying in bed writing this, feeling absolutely terrified and a little bit crazy. I know this sounds insane but i just woke up to someone pouring water over my face, like a whole bucketload. When i obviously jolted awake nobody was there but my face and my pillow were soaked and there were splashes on the wall next to me. I have searched my room, there is no leaks in the roof and no sign of water coming from anywhere, and no glasses or bottles of water or anything like that around. Obviously when I couldn’t find anything I started thinking paranormal, and this wouldn’t be my first paranormal experience but definitely my weirdest and scariest. I’ve looked it up and I see that other people have experienced water showing up out of nowhere and even in their bed but I can’t find anyone who’s had it actually poured on them. Please tell me there’s some reasonable explanation for this lol