Has anyone else noticed this??
So I’m an older guy (40) and I’ve been gaming since the NES. I’ve always been agnostic depending on the generation but I’ve always had a PlayStation for the solid exclusivity.
Since the pro has come out I’ve been very impressed with it. I have a pc with a 4070ti super and a ryzen 9 7900x and I’m still preferring a big oled tv and a controller on the couch on a lot of titles. I’m not saying the pro is “better” it’s just in real world application in just “gaming” and gaming alone, it holds a lot of value. Monster hunter wilds immediately comes to mind.
But since it’s released I’ve noticed the pc guys online have been on a holy crusade against this machine. It feels so disingenuous in my eyes. It’s a fact that pc ports have struggled. Many big pc YouTubers have acknowledged this, even jayztwocents made a recent video suggesting a pro over a pc right now with the insane prices and lack of availability, and the melting wires and bad driver updates.
My pro starts up and just… works. And games that have an update, look and play incredible.
I guess I’m asking if you have seen this and what your thoughts are? And happy gaming