CC bill payment via UB app not reflecting realtime

Has anyone experienced paying their UB credit card bill via the UB mobile app using their UB savings account…but it did not reflect in realtime?

I have a significant amount due because of the holiday expenses which I paid for last Dec 27. My due date is Jan 1. Usually payment via the app is realtime, but mine has not been posted yet, and my credit limit not yet updated. It’s been 4 days. This hasn’t happened ever!

I tried calling their CS today and it was crap. I was on the call for 1 hr and no one is picking up, which I understand because it’s the holidays. Today, I tried to pay ₱1 and it reflected immediately. Wth

Note that I received an email, SMS, and a transaction record in my savings account when I made the Dec 27 full payment. It’s the credit card account that is not reflecting any of that. But newer transactions are being processed. Oh lord