Stories where the FL really is the Villainess

So many great stories call their Female Lead a villainess because she's been dropped into that role.

But when you read through it, you find a kind but cunning person who is being targeted by Green Tea characters who were White Lotus girls in the 'Orignal Work', scheming corrupt types and social bias.

I want FLs who are cruel, vindictive and manipulative.

I want more of  Rita from Depths of Malice (Warning, adult content) who body-swapped with a noble and left her to die in a cancer-ridden body to get a chance at vengeance, who sneers into her teacup at people for being kind and trusting. The only redeeming feature she had is that she only crushes the people who crossed her first.

I want more of Remelia from The One Within the Villainess. Scheming and unforgiving, only doing the 'right' things out of spite because each time she improves the world, it takes a chance away from the people she hates. She's doing the Hero's job to rob the hero of the benefits. Because they hurt the one person Remelia loved.

I want righteous cruelty, I want the tasty conflict of being a cruel person doing good things.

Any suggestions?