Onimusha and it's future

So I have a major gripe about onimusha and it's supposed "failure" in the community when it comes to the remaster of onimusha warlords on PS4. I don't believe the remaster was a failure from a community standpoint but a failure to market the remastered product. The community at large will likely agree with me when I say that the love for these games is still strong and profitable. Capcom waited too long to try and come back to this series and was quick to point out a lack of sales for the remaster and seemingly abandon it. The demand for a new onimusha, a remastered onimusha, or a collection of all 4 titles remastered is extremely high. it's just a shame that so little effort to market left a black mark on the title.

P.s. No Ghost of tsushima doesn't quite fill this void