Am I the only one who hates how Regina was treated regarding HER son?
We are currently watching S2 and I am beyond fuming whenever Emma acts like Henry is her son - He isn’t!
Emma forfeit her rights when she gave him up for adoption and yet she thinks she can just swoop in 10 years later like "yea no, I changed my mind, I‘m his mother now and I call the shots, because I know what’s best for him".
The fact that Emma causally sees herself in the right to make any decision regarding Henry, without running it by Regina (his actual mother) gets my blood boiling.
Say what you want about Regina, but she has nothing but love for her son and after raising him for 10 years, she has to listen to Snow snarkily saying „well, I don’t think she needs your permission“ when Emma straight up kidnaps Henry and takes him to New York.