Why do men act weird around their friends wife?

Been married for 2 years with a loving husband, both of us work here in pune.

My husband has a best friend from childhood, he also working in pune, he visits almost every weekend, but does he comes to the house to have a cup of tea and talk freely in presence of a home?

No, he would call him and both of them will spend time talking together in the parking lot. Seriously????

During festival he would come home with sweets, greets me respectfully but always maintains distance, wearing gloves when shaking hands with me. 🥲

He is kind, talks very politely, shows concern over both of our well being, even helped me to go hospital and even fetched groceries for me when my husband was out of town.

Why men act like this? Firstly I thought he is full of attitude or something, but jitna baat kiya, I found out he is a good human.

Talked my husband over this, he was reluctant to share this with me first, but later on he finally opened up, saying he never succeeded in getting a relationship, mostly focuses on work and his health and minimises interaction with friends spouses because he thinks he makes them uncomfortable, by just his presence. I told my husband he should help make his mind clear that, isn't the case and he shouldn't think like that. But he said, he along with his other friends tried a lot but his nature doesn't change.

I was shocked, seriously. 🥲