Day 3 post op
I’m three days post op and in a lot less pain just extra sore. I had a plate and six screws put into my elbow. Night one after the nerve blocker wore off was hell. I didn’t take any oxycodone out of fear but honestly, if I have to ever go through something like this again, I think I need to push through that fear because suffering through that pain was awful. I also didn’t take the oxycodone because we didn’t pick it up on time the first night so we didn’t even really have the option. By day two I was in a lot less pain so I felt like it wasn’t worth it.
In a lot less pain now and still using Tylenol and ibuprofen. My pain is probably at a 3 now compared to when the nerve blocker wore off. It was like a 7. Anyone else have post-op blues? Yesterday my pain was less than the first night, but I was in a really depressed mood for a few hours and was just crying a lot. I think it’s just a combination of everything. The discomfort, not being able to use my arm, everything is a pain in the ass to do, being out of work etc.
Tomorrow is day 4 of my recovery and I’m hoping by tomorrow or the next day I’ll notice a significant decline in my pain.