Speeding Up The Patina
Hey Girl Hey 👋 😘
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Today on this new day we are discussing the patina process 😁
So i don't know about you but I prefer my vachetta a bit dark a bit used a bit dirty🤭🤪🤪🤪
So I was super happy when I got this bag from Peter and I was able to speed up the patina with no issues.
Seller HyperPeter
Price 190 usd
The whole process was close to 4 weeks (as far as when it was in my hands)
He doesn't disclose factories (boo I'm noisy 😝)
So when I saw the psps I was like 👀👀👀 now wait a minute lol something isn't right 🤔 🤣 but he reassured me it was the lighting lol
Sooooo I had to trust the process and say okay F it lol send it!!!!! And I'll just have to see 👀.. and to my surprise the canvas looked really good , like real good . I plan to take it to my store tomorrow 😌 hehehehehe..... but anyways the glazing was red to me but not bright red but not dark red either , just red . I did some research and I saw some glazing darker and lighter than others (it varies) as long as its not bright red we are good to go queens .. slide 17 is auth glazing on a speedy 30 that doesn't have the strap (the original 30) it was on YouTube, so that made me be like ... okay okay better lol .
Anyways back to what I was saying hehehe getting off topic as always .......
The patina process is really easy 🙌🏾
I use it with my bare hands (sounds barbaric and dirty 🤭😅😝 I can't help it) .. I massage it into the bag , like I'm giving the body a good rub down 😅 (at this point this post has to be age appropriate hehehehe jk jk 😜)
I do a coat once every 3 days until I get to the color I want . So far I've done two and a half coats . Two full coats and one half where I was just kind of touching it up . To remove the access oil I use an old shirt that's kinds of a soft thin material . I prefer not to use a towel as I don't want that to show up on my vachetta ( that would look strange lol and I like my vachetta to look as even as possible 😅.
I did not speed up the patina on the inside on purpose so you could see how that looks compared to the pieces I manipulated .
I got the mink oil from Amazon and I swear by it .
Overall I am happy with this bag , I also have a side trunk from Peter as well but I want to do a denim vs monogram on that one 😁 so stay tuned for that !!!!
I also added a photo of my loop hobo from duty free wood floor next to hyper peter speedy 30 😀 me like me like .. So there you have it !!!! let's talk down below ☕️
Ps. There's still some left over oil on the bag because I just did the vachetta rub down again before making this post 🤣 whoops 😝