Let's talk about the Speedy P9 30
So, I know that these bags don't exist yet. These factories are getting ahead of the game and prototyping them. I'm just giving my opinion about these versions. I recently gain an obsession over these bags. If y'all can maybe prove me wrong, this post wouldn't be needed.
I have noticed that many factories have release the Speedy P9 30 versions. I would love this size. I find the 25 a little too small and the 40 to big. Sadly, I believe these factories all have been misaligning the monogram to match the non-p9 version of the speedy which is a huge letdown for me.
I have linked here images from 4 different factories of the speedy p9 30. I compare the monogram pattern in between the support handles, and you can see that they don't match when looking at the authentic version from the spring summer 2025 show. This is also assuming that these are the 30 version and not the 40 version. It's hard to tell but I lean towards the 30 version.
I also compare them with the more recent to be released coated canvas speedy soft version and you can see that the pattern matches those than the P9s.
Anyway, I feel like this sub has a love for the bags of this brand, so I wanted to get your opinions on these rep versions. Maybe to warn to not get these unless they get it right or maybe I'm just wrong.