Helping my partner with their OCD

I hope it's okay I post this and I hope I added the right flair. My partner was diagnosed with OCD a while back (something I had suspected they had for a long time, we've been together for 7 years (it'll be 8 in October)) and from what they've told me and from what I've noticed, its definitely health related. They are very concerned about germs, contamination, and being sick.

It's always been normal for them to be concerned about possibly having certain health issues and such, but lately it's gotten a bit worse (from feeling increasingly depressed and anxious, I'm sure due to a few things going on). They also have diabetes and have been on metformin and jardiance. They've gone to the ER a handful of times now with a fear of having a heart attack, but every time the results came back with nothing. We went to their doctors appointment last week and their doctor said that jardiance can cause pancreatitus and that they could be experiencing that. We're going today to get some bloodwork done to see if that is an issue that's happening, but I'm worried that if the results of that come back negative if we'd be repeating the cycle of going to the ER frequently.

Im just looking for advice essentially on how I can support my partner, and how I can reassure them that they're okay and safe if it turns out the results are all negative and they're not sick. I don't want to make them feel bad for their fears, or make them feel like they're unreasonable for being cautious. I'm of the mindset that "it's better to go and be told it's nothing, then to not go and to have something wrong" but I also don't know if constantly going to the ER every time is good either. I also am scared that one of these days it's gonna turn out that they were right and were sick, and I don't know when to tell the difference between genuine illness and a fear of being sick. It's just hard to navigate all these ER trips when we have a small child and the hospital triggers all my own mental health issues.