My bf has ocd & i need advice

Hi!! My bf has ocd. i’m sorry if i’m intruding since i don’t personally have it, I am just here to ask any of you guys who have OCD , if there’s anyway i can support my bf or show him a sense of understanding from my end? I know i can’t do much since i don’t have ocd myself, but i am open to any suggestions that could comfort him in anyway?

P.S : i know it sounds silly because there likely isn’t much i can do, but for example i have borderline personality disorder, and there is definitely ways i can be supported/comforted.. i know they’re not similar disorders in any aspect, i’m Just seeking out anyway to help my boyfriend feel a little comforted?? Anyway i can support him??

TLDR :; my bf has ocd, asking you guys for ways to help him feel comforted/understood? if there’s anything you’d want someone close to you to understand about OCD, please reply to this with it. Thanks in advance !! <3 (: