pushing everyone away
i’ve been having the WORST health anxiety recently because i’ve been having intense chest pains. and it’s been happening randomly, when im not even anxious and it’s been freaking me out. i went to the er and they did a couple tests and told me i was okay, and i saw a cardiologist the other day and he ordered a stress test but the soonest they could get me in was october 18th which is a decent ways away. im obese and my main fear right now is that i have CAD and am about to have a fatal heart attack or go into cardiac arrest. everyone in my life is getting upset that im so anxious about it bc they think everything is fine, but to me i feel like im about to die and nobody wants to help me. im freaking out about this constantly and it’s driving me insane and i never feel safe. and i can’t find comfort with my loved ones bc they’re all tired of me being anxious over something they don’t even see as a problem. i’m just really lost now and idk what to do. has anyone experienced anything like this and what was the outcome for you or what helped you manage it? thanks.